Why they get insulted when called a Negroid, or Congoid?

Започната от CullenBohannon, 01 Дек 2018, 04:26:07

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Публикации: 3
I am not a nationalist, nor a supremacist or right-wing. I have my own opinion and my own viewpoints in life. But could not help but wonder something, because I recently I saw something very disturbing. In my country, we call Africans — Negers. That was the word for thousands of years and we won't change it now.

For the sake of the international "correctness", I substituted Neger with Negroid or a Congoid, when I address the Negers.

What happens now is — I get called a Nazi, and a Hitlerjugend.

I really don't see where the big deal is, because Caucasian people are called Caucasoids, police banter over the radio will often resonate like "White caucasian male, 35, next right to Jefferson Blvd, etc..."

And if somebody is to call me a Caucasian, or "Hey, Caucasoid!" — I wouldn't take an offence. I'll smile and say "What's up."

Not to mention first introduced in early racial science and anthropometry, Negroid denoted one of the three purported major races of humankind (alongside Caucasoid and Mongoloid). It is still being used in literature and racial science.


They say they're "Proud and Black," but they take an insult every single time. What a bunch of nonsense and high snowflakery. If a negroid or congoid is an insult, then caucasian should be too. Somebody calls me a white Caucasian male, I should have the means to sue him/her.