
Започната от Demosthenes, 17 Апр 2009, 17:09:01

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Цитат на: LordOfChaos - 17 Апр 2009, 20:03:23
I`m also interested in from where are you and why do you care about Bulgaria  ??? :).


My dear friend,

I am a man without a country, who has been embraced dearly by your nation.
I felt the need to share this thoughts with someone who could actually do something about them. My actions are limited and irrelevant, but if I can plant the seed of doubt in some Men and Women's heads, if I can actually help one of you, who are reading this, to stand an action, to gatter with your closest and share an ideology of emancipation of this nation and thus, make a difference from the back, then my goal is achieved.

My trust is with you.


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Цитат на: Demosthenes - 18 Апр 2009, 16:18:43
Цитат на: Ivo_the_MOnsTer - 17 Апр 2009, 19:44:28
You are not a patriot because you run from your country because the things are terrible there.You are just a man who are afraid to fight and is patriot only in words  and in our forum.In my opinion bulgarians who run from their county in this  hard times  are not patriots.I hope NPD aktivists  crush your skull one day  :wallhit: :wallhit: .

And still here we are.
Patriotism has, since always, meant that the true devotion of an individual resides in the love for it's nation. I do understand that the same problem may have a large number of different solutions, and as many points of view over those solutions as there are people.

Dear Ivo, we've all known the stories of the people that had to run from their countries in times of affliction. If I may remind you of the story of the world, many of those were the ones responsible for the post afirmation of their nations, and even the command of the actions that liberated their countries from the outside.

I know that this specific kind of activism is healthy. I, myself, many times think about what everything would be much better if I could stand my boot in some people's heads. Nevertheless, I'm more interested in the ideas that you have in your mind that can actually stand and prove a point.

Can you share with us your direct insight into the issues we are discussing? I'm sure you have a point of view and an opinion.

D .
I  understand you BUT the things aren't like you thing.The man choosen to live abrod and because live here is terrible, if you saw his posts  it is wonderful to have multicultural communities.He is  very far from fighting for his country from other country ,he thinks all bulgarian national orgainisations are scum :ataka (attack), BNS (bulgarian national aliance) , VMRO (bulgarian revolition organisation in Macedonia).The people in this party( i am not talking about the leaders) are tring to do something and this guy from other country who didn't done nothing all his life is telling they are scum.
Всеки заслужава да бъде съден според делата си.


Junior Member
Публикации: 9
Цитат на: Ivo_the_MOnsTer - 19 Апр 2009, 00:02:11
I  understand you BUT the things aren't like you thing.The man choosen to live abrod and because live here is terrible, if you saw his posts  it is wonderful to have multicultural communities.He is  very far from fighting for his country from other country ,he thinks all bulgarian national orgainisations are scum :ataka (attack), BNS (bulgarian national aliance) , VMRO (bulgarian revolition organisation in Macedonia).The people in this party( i am not talking about the leaders) are tring to do something and this guy from other country who didn't done nothing all his life is telling they are scum.


I understand completely the reasoning behind your words. I do believe that there are valid people here, and I would be thrilled to hear about the initiatives and actions of such honorable and proud groups.

As to your comment for multicultural societies, allow me to share a couple of words with you that may reflect my point of view over that subject. I sincerely ask of you to read the following sentences with as much as open mind as you can and to think about them for some days before reacting.

Multicultural is a very relative term. Nationalism is a valuable thing... If so, one of the few qualities that may maintain societies together and nations on the path forwards. My insight of nationalism, though, is never supported by sprees. I do not believe of a specific race being superior to another, nor do I believe that Genocide and Extincton of other races should be an option. I believe in cultural superiority, I believe in intellectual development and optimization of the military resources of a government to prevent threats against it's people, defending it's ideals with all the means necessary. The main point here being the supremacy of a nation, and not of the individual itself as a subject, but as a community.

I despise and have a deep hatred for cultures that survive striving on others. Robbing, stealing, selling drugs to kids and selling flowers in restaurants. I don't believe there is a place for this worms instead in their own homecountry, where they can do what they want and be judged by their own societies. I believe in hard-working people, but people with ambitions and with a goal of unity. Let me be the first to say that this multiculture is an abomination and either Bulgaria as any country in Europe should take a firm, strong stand against this situation. There is no place in the nation for parasites.

But I do, also Ivo, believe that resources are scarce and few, and that in desperate times one must appeal to the best path forwards. In that case, you must understand that I don't have any problem whatsoever to have a child being taught physics or mathematics by a German or Italian teacher who is a genius, pays his taxes, has it's loyalty to the Bulgarian society defined and written in a contract, pays it's due taxes to our government and has something to teach to us.

Someone wiser than me used to say "When the going gets tough, the tough get going", and, as someone has said in this thread, Bulgaria can use any intellectual resources that it can, although never in a leading position. And, again, let me focus on this point. I heard you speak about activist groups. Is there an individual in which you all believe? In which you trust the leading of your nation?

I strongly suggest that all the acquaintances that you may possess focus on this point. The important step, in this moment, is present to the society a valuable alternative to the corrupt politicians that rule the country. And please keep in mind that leading a country is not just leading the activists, but also leading all the people that vote. As much farmers as businessmen, as much medical doctors and factory workers.

The ruling of the proud society must be made in unity to all the ones who defend the colours of the flag. Valuably and Honorably.

Your energy is most valuable, Ivo. I do believe you have great things in front of you.