Мисли за пигмеите

Започната от Петкан, 06 Юни 2013, 22:51:19

0 Потребители и 1 гост преглеждат тази тема.


Публикации: 8 643
България преди всичко!
Religion: Christianity-Orthodox Christianity-Orthodox

Цитат"We had been told that the pygmies could never successfully compete in this world; they would always remain marginalized especially when faced with the rigors of the educational system...
Recently another pygmy that we had supported in acquiring a vocational trade challenged him.This friend chided him in that now with a trade he was able to earn money, showing Keneth a hand full of shillings...The Bishop, the school headmaster and several elders counseled Keneth reminding him that he represents the future of the pygmies..."
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